Having just returned from a very busy Sheep 2006 at Malvern it seems that the word on everybody's lips was 'Easicare'. There is no doubt that many sheep farmers are looking to streamline the management of their flocks over the course of the next few years. Part of this process will be based around reducing the number of times animals are handled for animal health interventions and looking to use products which can be administered at the same time as others.

Management of the trace element profile of the flock is one factor to be considered and, at Malvern, farmers were looking for a comprehensive trace element product which they could use in ewes pre-tupping and would continue to supply trace elements right through to lambing.

SmAll-Trace boluses for sheep could be considered an ideal product for Easicare systems - it contains a full range of trace elements and delivers those every minute of every day for six months. Used alongside other pre-tupping routines, there is no further requirement for any additional trace element supplementation until after lambing - unlike short-term products.

Trials in commercial flocks of mule gimmers, blackface and cheviot ewes showed increases in lambing percentages of between 12% - 24% in bolused groups compared to those receiving no supplementation. Taking the average as 18%, the extra return on lambs from 100 ewes would be £900 (valuing lambs at £50). The cost of supplementing 100 ewes with small-Trace boluses is around £135, resulting in extra margin of £765 per 100 ewes.

small-Trace boluses are available from your animal health merchant or veterinary surgeon in 40 bolus packs (enough for 40 ewes) and there are 5 x 40 in an outer. We will supply a free applicator with every outer of boluses ordered.

If you require any other information on smAll-Trace or if you want to find out who your nearest stockist is, please contact us immediately.