The Wadworth Brewery Shire horses are busy packing their suitcases this week for their well earned 2 weeks of summer sun, at a self-catering destination near Devizes.

Heading-off to their regular holiday spot in a field in the village of Poulshot, the four Shire horses, Tom, Royal, Max and Baron will be delivered by their grooms, in their lorry, to Wadworth's Raven pub.

As a treat for the much-loved horses, Tom, Royal, Max and Baron will be customers at the pub to enjoy several pints of their favourite 6X beer before being turned out for their playtime. Every year local children and families follow them through the village to their field, sometimes carrying buckets and deckchairs, to get the horses in the holiday spirit.

Wadworth Brewery is famous for their local deliveries to pubs within a two-mile radius from the brewery in Devizes. Throughout the year these popular horses work very hard, getting through a pair of shoes every three weeks - the average horse will have new shoes every 6-8 weeks, so they certainly cover the miles.

The four horsemen are responsible for the horse's welfare, and when they are not delivering beers, wines and spirits, they are representing the Brewery at county shows around the country; so every year this holiday is a welcome break from a busy calendar.

When the horses are released into the field for their 2week break they have not touched grass, except at shows, since last year, and it has become a local spectacle to come and watch the excitement of these gentle giants as they buck and gallop around the field until they eventually settle-down to enjoy munching through the grass.

Commenting, Fred West, Wadworth's Sales Director said: "Our Shire horses are a wonderful symbol of the company's historic brewing tradition here in Devizes and hugely popular with the local communities. We are now the only Brewer in the country delivering by horse and dray on a daily basis, something of which we are extremely proud."

Contact Wadworth & Co Ltd 01380 723361