New farmers may soon have an opportunity to farm land and live in a farmhouse near Bodmin.

Farming charity the Gaia Trust has applied to demolish buildings and convert redundant farm buildings at Bodwannick Farm, Nanstallon near Bodmin into agricultural and ecological related business units, volunteer and education spaces, as well as three dwellings.

The Gaia Trust acquired Bodwannick Manor Farm in 2014 by way of legacy and it is currently managed for beef cattle according to the trust’s mission of “farming for people and wildlife”.

The farmhouse gardens are used to support wellbeing activities in nature for patients from Bodmin’s NHS mental health unit, but the plan is for land, garden and building functions need to be brought together and transformed to support “the growth that Cornwall so badly needs”.

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The vision is for the Gaia Trust to provide the Bodwannick farmland, initially at a reduced rent, to new farmers.

These are likely to be young but experienced entrants who share the charity’s ethos but have not yet had the opportunity to put their enthusiasm, ideas and experience into practice on land they can consider their own.

The tenancy on the Bodwannick land would provide the security young farmers need to build a business.

By restoring and converting the farmhouse at Bodwannick into smaller dwellings they would provide affordable rented accommodation - not just for the farmers, but potentially key workers such as teachers, NHS staff and those working in other growth generating sectors.